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Meet the Open Texas Committee Members: Dr. Crystal Gardner (Program)

Ashley Morrison

Dr. Gardner

Name: Dr. Crystal Gardner

Preferred pronouns: she/her

Where do you work?

Houston Community College

What do you do there?

Instructional Supervisor- Alternative Teacher Certification

Where did you go to school?

B.S- Prairie View A & M University; M.Ed. & Ed.D. Texas Southern University

Where is your hometown?

Houston, TX

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I repelled off of a 300ft building this year.

How did you get involved with the Open Texas Conference?

I received a lot of positive feedback from colleagues.

What was your first impression of Open Texas?

I was impressed overall meeting such a great group of educators with the overall goal of academic achievement.

What do you find most challenging about coordinating the Open Texas Conference?

Time constraints as it relates to scheduling can be challenging at times, while trying to get it all done.

Tell me about some of the people you’ve met while working on Open Texas?

I've met a great group of dedicated educators during my committee meetings. Each committee member is dedicated to to ensuring that this conference goes exceptionally well for all participants.

The interest in open education seems to be growing. Why do you think that is?

More and more issues in education are coming to the forefront and being highlighted. Open Texas provides a platform for groups of professionals to answer the call and provide solutions.

What would you tell someone who is thinking about presenting or attending Open Texas?

Go For It!


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